Lesson Plan Ideas for Preschoolers


Welcome to our Lesson Plan Ideas page!

Here, you can find inspiration for a variety of preschool themes and activities and learn how to create fun preschool lesson plans with ease. 

Our resources include a sample lesson plan template to help you get started. A well structured and detailed lesson plan helps teachers maintain organization and focus, aligning all activities with educational objectives and having consistency across different areas in the preschool program.
Whether you’re planning a unit on transportation, seasons, or farm animals,  simplify your planning process and make your lessons more dynamic and fun. By creating these plans—whether weekly, monthly, or yearly—teachers can easily prepare a variety of learning activities centered around specific  topics and themes.

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Planning your weekly Lesson Plan: In 5 Easy Steps

It includes details about the theme of the week, activities, materials,  and assessment methods. Additionally, it allows preschool teachers to set realistic goals, adapt as needed, and create fun learning experiences for preschoolers.

Planning a preschool activities program around themes is productive and ensures a successful and positive learning experience for your preschoolers. It can be accomplished in five easy steps:

  1. Select a Theme: Begin by choosing a theme for the week that will captivate the children’s interest.

  2. Incorporate Music: Select a few fun songs that complement the theme to add an auditory learning element.

  3. Storytime Selections: Gather several storybooks with vivid illustrations related to the theme to stimulate visual learning and imagination.

  4. Printable Activities: Choose and print coloring pages and worksheets that match the theme to reinforce the concepts and enhance visual recognition.

  5. Playtime Preparation: Arrange playtime activities that align with the theme to provide a hands-on learning experience.

By following these steps, you’ll create a comprehensive week-long journey exploring all facets of the chosen theme.

Themes & Topic Ideas

We have gathered a list of fun and interesting topic and theme ideas ! 

Crafting a Lesson Plan for Preschoolers

Prepare an detailed outline for each day of the week. Keep your content relevant to the theme of the week.

Here's a example of Day 3 of the  Farm Animals lesson plan.  Our theme is Farm Life and on day 3 we are focusing on chickens. This is our  general template for lesson plans. Feel free to individualize it to your personal taste.

Farm Life 

Picture of a cute Duck Coloring Page

Title: This is your theme or topic for the week.  All of your activities will be focused around this theme.

(Farm Animals)

Day of the Week: There should be a detail plan for each day of the week.

(Day 3- Chickens)

Objectives: What will they be learning about the theme.

(Will  learn about chickens, their habitat, and their role on the farm)

Activities for Circle Time: What will be the story and  the song for circle time.

(Read story about "The Little Red Hen" and sing "Old McDonald had a Farm" and a Show and Tell activity about chickens)

Activities for Playtime: Prepare a craft activity, a game and a pretend play area.

(Create a chicken mask using paper plates for a craft activity, Play a Hide the Eggs Game, and set -up a pretend play area with farm animal costumes,  pictures of chickens and farm activities farm props)

Materials: Gather your material, print out your coloring pages, worksheets and learning activities and place them in a bin reserved for your Weekly Theme items so you have everything together in one place.

 (Storybook, pictures, songs, coloring pages, worksheets..)

Assessment:  Observe your group during these activities and take down notes. 

(How did your preschoolers respond to today's Theme? What can you improve? Any inspirations and ideas to note?)

Benefits of Lesson Plans

For Educators:

Organizing Content: Helps teachers stay organized and create activities around the theme, 

Time Efficiency: Well organized lesson plans saves time. It allows teachers to spend more time with their group and less time doing last minute preps.  

Goals and Objectives: It makes it easier for teachers to narrow down on specific development areas they want to focus on.

Track Progress: Teacher can evaluate how effective was their teaching methods , the material utilized, and how their group responded to this new topic or theme. 

For Preschoolers:

Allows for Learning styles: Lesson plans can be designed to cater to various learning styles, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.

Establishes a Routine:  A ordered structure in lesson plans helps reduce anxiety during transitions, as preschoolers can anticipate what comes next.

Focused learning: The lesson plan can be tailored to their current interest.

Turning your theme into a lesson plan template is a creative way to structure your educational activities.